Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tips for growing long hair

I've decided to grow my hair long about 7 months ago, and I wanted to do it the right way, the healthy way. So as usually I went to google for tips on growing long healthy hair and I thought I would share with you some of the things I found and have been using that I think have been working for me.

Tips #1

Stop washing your hair everyday! Yes washing your hair everyday seems like a good thing, it makes it feel clean and soft but do you notice that it gets greasy the next day. That's not because you have extra dirty hair and have to wash it everyday, it's because your drying out your scalp and it thinks that it needs to produce more oil to get rid of the dryness. If you start to train your hair and get it use to being washed less you will notice that the fast producing oil will slow down and you won't have to wash for 3 to 4 days.

   P.s. That doesn't mean you have to stop bathing/showering everyday just put your hair into a bun or into a shower cap when you don't want to wash your hair that day.

Tip #2

When you do wash your hair, wash it with a sulfate free shampoo. You don't have to if you don't want to but it is better for your hair. Why is sulfate bad for your hair do you ask? Well I'll tell ya, sulfates have a strong potential to be an irritant to your hair, skin and even your eyes. Sulfates are also capable of stripping your hair of essential oils, which drys it out making it look/feel dull and sometimes will cause frizzing. I've read of 2 sulfate free shampoos that I wanted to try. They are the Burt's Bees Very Volumizing Pomegranate shampoo and conditioner , I haven't used these yet but want to and will try them so let me know if you want a post on that. The other one and also the one that I'm currently using is the OGX Renewing Moroccan Argon Oil Shampoo and conditioner. I bought mine in my local drug store but I'm sure you can order it online at Ulta beauty.com . I love these they work every well and leave my hair feeling great, I highly recommend.

P.s When getting out of the shower don't twist or ring out hair just pat dry, the twisting is bad for your hair the towel is rough and will cause breakage. Some people use T-shirts instead of towels because its easier on your hair and causes less damage.

Tip #3

Hair masks. I love me some hair masks, homemade ones are my favorite. You can find a bunch online or make up your own, you can also buy already made ones in beauty stores or at your local drug store. My personal favorite is the simple coconut oil mask. It's easy and all you need is coconut oil. For the coconut oil mask all you have to do is apply a small amount of the oil all over your hair, focusing on the ends and live in for an hour or longer you can even leave it in overnight. What I do is, on the night before I'm going to wash my hair I put the coconut oil in and sleep with it in a bun or a braid and wash it in the morning.

Tip #4

Say goodbye to heat tools. If you really want your hair to grow long and healthy you're going to have to stop with the heat tools, at least ease up on them a little. Heat damages your hair, it breaks and causes frizz. For me I stopped all them, the blow dryer, straightener, curler, everything. Now what I do is let my hair air dry and either put in braids or a bun so that in the morning I get waves or curls. If you don't want to go cold turkey, you can let your hair air dry and just style with a heat tool then you can have the style you want for a few days, as I hope you're not going to be washing your hair as much. But always remember to use a heat protection spray before using any heat tool.

Tip #5

Hair vitamins. I've read hair vitamins help with hair growth and I've been using them for some time now, If it actually works I'd like to think so but maybe it's just in my head. But I like to use them so I thought I'd put it in in case your interested. I noticed most hair vitamins are for hair and nail growth, I also read that prenatal vitamins work well too. So give them a go if you'd like.

Tip #6

Stay away from elastic bands. Material bands are better, they are easier on your hair and cause less damage. Bring back the scrunchy! Yes I know gross, believe me I get it but they are the best if you want to tie your hair back.  If you want you can just wear them in the house away from judging eyes, although you shouldn't care what people think if you want to wear a scrunchy, you wear that scrunchy and you rock it. I've worn them out in public and guess what people don't notice if they do that's their problem, who cares. So wear your scrunchy and just remember your hair is probably more healthy then theirs, so Ha take that scrunchy haters!

Tip #7

Drink lots of water. Yes it's a given but it's true, drinking water is not just good for you but it's good for your hair. I personally love the taste of water but if you don't put some fruit in it, it's still healthy and you get a little flavor that you're missing. I put lemon in mine the most but you can choose any type and mix and match anything, be creative and have fun. You can also buy water infusers so that you don't have seeds in your water, I have a Aqua Zinger and I love it. But all in all just don't forget your H2O!

So though's are some of the tips I've been using, let me know what you think in the comments and if you try any I hope they help. Thanks for reading!

Till next time

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